Twitter has helped our business immensely. Since launching the Seriously Juicy Website at the beginning of December, we had on average five views a day, since using social media, like Twitter we average fifty-seventy views a day.
While browsing Twitter, I noticed that ‘First Stop Shop’ @Fermanagh_hour had tweeted a post on how local businesses could connect. To be honest I had little to no experience using twitter, but thought, “what had I to lose?”
Within 15 minutes on #Fermanaghhour, we had businesses following Seriously Juicy and asking questions about our products. We also won a prize, a £50 voucher from The Lemon Tree in Belleek. We had our first ‘meet-tweet' in Belleek with Pauline Gimartin from ‘Gilmartins Belleek’ and Aoife from ‘The Lemon Tree’, which was great, and we have kept in touch since then though Twitter!
We then tried #Belfasthour and actually won a prize, an hour with “The Business Therapist”, a business mentor, who had some useful advice.
Social Media, especially Twitter is really useful when connecting with other businesses. Many businesses have started to follow us and we them. We have even received orders through Twitter and a café in Portrush is interested in stocking our products.
We have definitely found Twitter a positive experience especially with regards to business and consumer connections and we have also noticed an increase in sales!!!
Fiona Lydon Seriously Juicy Ltd. @Seriouslyjuicy