Would you like to know how I get sales? Did you know that I actually rarely do a sales pitch? I Tweet the odd tweet such as ‘check out my workshop if you are interested’ etc but other than that most of what I tweet about is small business, Being a working Mum, tips for social media and twitter and generally I just chat to my followers or others I follow.
I cannot emphasise enough how important relationship building is. I see brands on Twitter making the same mistakes all the time. Sell sell sell..it is not a sales platform it is a social network. No one wants to follow an account that is always selling. Twitter is about engagement, interaction and adding value.
Next time you tweet ask yourself this:
Are you adding value? Will you follower learn something new from this tweet?
Is your tweet positive? Will you make someone’s day a little better by tweeting this tweet?
Are you sharing your knowledge? Small business owners and indeed leaders are always learning. We want to improve ourselves, learn how to be a better business person, how to get clients, how to do a business plan, that type of thing.
Are you introducing someone to a useful connection or connecting them with the hotel, service, product owner that they might be looking for?
Have you helped someone today? Did you reach out to someone in need on Twitter and either Retweet them or ask your followers to help them out by highlighting it?
If you do these simple things every day people will follow you and recommend you to others.
Building good relationships = loyalty = recommendations = Sales.
Try this next week. See what happens. Come back to me and let me know how you get on!
(If you need help with Twitter, I do one to one consultations so get in touchtweetinggoddess@gmail.com )