Did you know that Twitter is a great platform for creating leads? It’s so easy to do yet not many people know how. But I will give you 5 simple ways to help that process.

1. Use the search bar on Twitter to find customers. All you have to do is put the phrases in that match what you do or what your customers would be searching for. e.g. if you are in the wedding business, search for the phrase ‘Getting married’ you will find anyone on twitter who has mentioned that phrase. Fine tune it by putting in ‘Ireland’ to find potential customers in your country. If you are a financial planner, try putting ‘not good with finances’ into the search box. Even if you don’t find leads, you will find other articles that might interest your followers to tweet out. Always give credit to the person who wrote the article though.
2. Participate in hashtags relative to your industry to build relationships with others in businesses similar to yours. e.g. There is a hashtag chat called #Weddinghour – You will meet others in the wedding industry including competitors perhaps but mostly these are in the UK so you can exchange ideas. Who knows one might be busy or already booked up and need to refer business to you in the future!
3. Build relationships – people on Twitter are over 80% more likely to do business with a small business owner they have engaged with on twitter than someone else. So start actually talking to people. Chat about what is going on for them. Show an interest in what they are doing. Or simply….Retweet or share their blog posts. We all want a bigger reach so click that button!! Trust me, I never ever forget who has helped with by sharing my content.
4. Show yourself as the expert and ‘go to’ person for what you do. Tell people what you do, write articles that will draw us in. Ask questions, ask your customer and followers what do they want. What do they fear, What is their biggest obstacle. Then write a blog post about it, giving them a solution. You will stick in their heads as the ‘go to’ person so when someone asks ‘Do you know a good financial planner’ your name will be the first one they think of. Oh and by the way, don’t be afraid to experiment on Twitter with your Twitter handle (The @ in front of your name) You could call yourself ‘The Financial guy’ or ‘FinanceLady’ you can have much more fun on Twitter by changing your name slightly.

5. Create a hashtag competition. Ask people to use a particular hashtag to win a one to one consultation with you. You could ask them to post a tweet saying ‘I would love a consultation with #TheFinanceGuy or ‘I would love to #SortmyFinances …what you do is you ‘favorite’ every person who has entered. Add them to a Twitter list called ‘Competition entries’ or ‘Twitter comp’ – These are ALL leads. When winner is chosen go back to these people and say ‘You didn’t win but here is a 20% discount code off a one to one skype consultation with me or something like that. Or say ‘sign up to my newsletter as I have lots of tips on there’.
If you would like to have a one to one Skype consultation with me from anywhere in the world, book here