I did a little survey a few weeks ago about how people use Social media in Ireland. Over 130 people answered the survey.
Although it gives an idea of what platforms people like and use, of course most of the people who filled it in are on Twitter and Facebook so this might explain why this is their favourite platform. But some of the other results are very interesting!
Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin came out on top when asked what is their favourite platform. Followed closely by Instagram.
Only 2% of respondents use Periscope or Blab* (live streaming - *Blab no longer exists) which I thought was surprising. This is a powerful way to show your brand’s story and connect with your customers and followers. I would recommend you check these out.
Most respondents were in the 36- 45 age group followed by 46-55 age groups. This would tie in with the demographic who use Twitter who are aged 35 -55 and the highest growing demographic are the over 55’s

I also asked what social media platform people found most confusing. The answer was …..Snapchat! Not surprising as most of the teenagers are on this platform. BUT now businesses and Big brands are realizing the value of snapchat and are fast starting to use it more. So the demographic is changing fast. So this is one to watch.
So what are people using social media for? Well most people use it for either business or socializing and fun. But a close second was learning and the latest news!

Gareth O Connor, Mark Little, Brezzie, Ian Cleary, Marian Keyes and Amy Huberman came out as some of the most interesting people to follow. All great Irish examples of great social media users. I came out too but my respondents might have been my followers and they may have been a little biased so I will wait until someone else puts me on a list before I say that is fact!
This is just a little peek into what is happening. That was from 132 people. I did the survey on Surveymonkey.com This is great for getting feedback from your customers and gives you great content for blog posts and articles.